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The 3 discoveries
of the ScanPyramids mission

Between January and March 2016, a first muons test mission is carried out by Dr. Morishima and the Nagoya team, with the installation of emulsion plates in the descending corridor, between the ascending corridor and the original entrance.

On June 1, the official muography mission in the Khufu Pyramid begins with the installation of three plates, representing a surface area of 0.75 m2, in the descending corridor.


At the invitation of Johnson County Community College in Overland Park, Kansas, Jean-Pierre Houdin gives a 2-part lecture at this college of 40,000 students, whose campus is worthy of the greatest American universities: 

On April 27, "Khufu Revealed" (the construction of the pyramid)

On April 28, "Khufu Reborn" (the second path to the King's Chamber); in all, over 500 people attended these.


In June 2016, a second infrared mission is carried out by the Université Laval team, with the aim of recording data over long periods of time. Two consecutive 24-hour acquisition sequences are carried out at a distance of 175 m, and a third at a distance of 100 m from the North Face. They confirm the presence of a thermal anomaly at the level of the entrance rafters.


On August 30, Jean-Pierre Houdin completes a 4th update of his study "Critical analysis of the Giza Plateau" dated February 18, 2010.


On September 14, the Nagoya team presents the ScanPyramids team with the first results showing the presence of a notorious anomaly. Comparison with a 3D simulation of the entrance shows that all three plates revealed an excess of muons greater than 5 sigma; this validates the discovery of a void at the rear of the North face chevrons. 


The CEA (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives) joins the ScanPyramids mission during 2016, with its team led by Sébastien Procureur.


On October, the CEA announces the discovery of a C1 cavity, identical to the known C2 cavity, on the northeast edge by its three telescopes. This C1 cavity is some twenty meters above the C2 cavity and is also on the path of the internal ramp.


On October 15, the ScanPyramids mission publishes a press release announcing the discovery:

"Having conducting those three complementary techniques, we are now able to confirm the existence of a “void” hidden behind the North Face, that could have the form of at least one corridor going inside the Great Pyramid".


On November 22, during a working session in Paris, the Japanese muography teams from Nagoya and KEK announce the discovery of a very important anomaly (Cavity) vertically above the Grand Gallery. Jean-Pierre Houdin, who is present at the meeting and seing images of the anomaly, immediately tells the participants that it must be linked to the presence of a second Grand Gallery completing the counterweight system.

For Nagoya, this anomaly is around 30m long, with its epicenter at a height of around 53.30m above the floor of the Queen's Chamber; there are two possible positions for this cavity: either horizontal, or inclined parallel to the Grand Gallery below.


On November 25, Jean-Pierre Houdin draws a sketch placing the anomaly at a lower level, which he considers more realistic, namely its high quay at +63.05m. He estimates its length to be closer to forty meters than the thirty or so announced. 


At the same time, Jean-Pierre Houdin and Denis Denoël begin lengthy studies to define the technical characteristics of a second counterweight in a second Grand Gallery (GG2, the first being GG1) to hoist the monoliths of the superstructure above the King's 








CEA - ScanPyramids


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